Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Wear it everywhere, everyday !

The Executive Board of the Novato Federation of Teachers is urging it's members to wear the bright green NFT button they received on August 25th at opening ceremonies for the new school year. 62 teachers left NUSD last year, many for higher paying jobs in neighboring school districts. NUSD teachers need to let the community know that the language of the March Parcel Tax is very clear; "... to attract and retain quality teachers." A competitive salary is one way to maintain the excellent level of educational services here in Novato. A COST-OF-LIVING SALARY ADJUSTMENT DOES NOT EQUAL A RAISE. Wear your button in school and around town to let people know Novato teachers want the COLA + $ applied to the salary scale. This was the mandate of Novato voters when they approved the Parcel Tax for schools in the last election.

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