Shared Decision-Making: A message from Joe Morgan, NFT President
Teachers are the most important assets in the Novato Unified School District. WE are hightly qualified, well trained professionals who enable our students to do well. WE as teachers are the most important part of a child's formal education, and our voices should be heard when policy is discussed. Teachers have the expertise and they are involved at the student level. Teachers know what is needed. Therefore, NFT is proposing language to promote Shared Decision-Making as part of the new contract.
Characteristics of Shared Decision Making and collaboration:
1.Individuals affected by a decision, participate in that decision, either directly or through chosen representatives.
2.Once a decision has been made, all individuals are responsible for helping implement it.
3.Included in the process is consideration of the consequences of the decision, its effects on students, parents, staff, other worksites, the District and community.
The following behaviors are vital to the shared decision-making process:
a.Valuing all persons involved
b.Listening to all other points of view
c.Ensuring all participants opportunities for input
d.Encouraging innovative thinking
e.Guaranteeing support for risk taking
f.Being allowed to alter preconceived positions
g.Follow through on commitments
Shared Decision-Making will result in more effective learning experiences for all students. NFT further believes implementation of the Shared Decision-Making process will build special relationships between students, staff, administrators, parents and the Board of Trustees. Those who are affected by decisions should be involved in making them. Teachers should be involved when important curriculum changes are deemed necessary, such as text selection or the Early bird/Late bird program.
Other items that should be covered under Shared Decision-Making are:
*Prep time issues
*Compensation for sick days
*Health care issues
*Paid professional development in areas of need
*An 18 step pay scale, not the current 20 step scale.
Remember, your union does not function only as a crises-solution vehicle, rather NFT should be thought of as a leader in the education of Novato students. NFT wants teachers to do more than just survive. Teachers in Novato should be thought of as the leaders in education.
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