Top 10 Reasons for U to be an active part of the Union
10-Strength in numbers: The (NFT) Novato Federation of Teachers is part of the (CFT) American Federation of Teachers, which is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, founded in 1916 and representing nearly 3,000 local affiliates nationwide, 43 state affiliates and 1.5 million members. Albert Einstein, John Dewey, and Hubert Humphrey were some famous AFT members.
9-Our Contract:
Collective bargaining is a formal process that gives you a voice in decisions that affect your job and your profession. It provides you with a special relationship to NUSD in determining salary, benefits, hours and working conditions. More important, collective bargaining gives you a contract that puts these guarantees in writing, while also protecting you from unfair treatment.
8- Support in the classroom : Effective learning only takes place when teachers have the materials and assistance needed to accomplish the task. Article 21 advocates for quality classroom materials and a work environment that is safe and conducive to learning.
7-Helps you prepare: Article 8 outlines a teacher’s Professional Responsibilities. This article clearly defines your expectations in the classroom and as a District employee; everything from classroom duties to extracurricular activities.
6-Answers your questions: Your E-Board representatives and building reps are here to assist you if you have a question about the contract. Executive Board members advocate for you when it comes to salaries, heath care and working conditions.
5-Keeps you informed: Look for the Novato Teacher newsletter in your school mailbox. NFT has a Blog, Google Group and Facebook Page for your convenience. We will have a General Meeting for all teachers in September. AFT has a great website:
4-Advocates for you: The NFT has a history of activism. In the past, when accurate and timely communication was crucial, we published Weekly Crisis Bulletins, submitted OpEd pieces to the local newspaper, and took out ½ page adds, produced our own local TV commentary, called Speaking Out, and organized district-wide rallies.
3- Develops relationships: NFT E-Board members are committed to ensuring a collaborative relationship with parents, administrators and Board members in NUSD to help all kids learn. Shared power results in higher levels of satisfaction and performance throughout any organization.
2-Provides scholarships: Each year the NFT sponsors several scholarships for NUSD teacher’s children who are interested in becoming educators.
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